A Service of Saddleback College and
California State University, Northridge

Nueva Música and Video: Loyal Lobos - Si Te Portas Mal (Be Bad)


Los Angeles local, Colombian born de Bogotá, Loyal Lobos releases her newest single, "Si Te Portas Mal, (Be Bad)" alongside a new music video: directed by Diego Trenas & Loyal Lobos. Watch it below. This single comes a month after her last release, "Whatever It Is." And before that with, "Criminals" back in the good ole' healthy days of 2019. 

Loyal Lobos is an artist that embraces her bilingual ability throughout her songs, jumping back and forth with each one. Her newest single, subtly adds a speck of English in an all Spanish song. Just image her, in salt bae form, sprinkling a dash of English into the song. "Si Te Portas Mal, (Be Bad)," is a drum-heavy song, as if you've got a stampede of great energy coming your way. It blends dark electro-pop waves with 80's love movie vibes against her unique shoegaze vocals so well that it got me swaying back and forth.  And really, that's the most important part, que no?

"Esta canción habla de mi experiencia como ser humano y como mujer tenaz y delicada. Siento que lo mejor que puedo hacer es hablar mi verdad por medio de mis canciones para que sea una historia que escuchar para unos, una validación para los que se identifiquen con ella o una amenaza para quienes quieren derrumbarla. Todo se vale. El video lo filmamos entre Cundinamarca, Colombia y Big Bear, California con la ayuda de mis amigos y familiares a quienes les debo muchos favores!" - Andrea Silva (Loyal Lobos)

