A Service of Saddleback College and
California State University, Northridge

Memory Leak's Paradox Effects Sessions

The dreamy sounds of shoegaze soothe my soul in a way that no other music has. Memory Leak has become one of my favorite shoegaze bands and I’m glad I get to share them with you. The band is from Tijuana, Mexico. They have been together for three years now. Their first E.P.,”Graduate Into Nothing,” is beautifully atmospheric with a dark side.

I found the band through their live session with the effects pedal company from Tijuana, Paradox Effects. The company is fairly new and focuses on fuzz pedals but also makes others like chorus, delay, vibrato, etc. Paradox Effects has started doing sessions from their studios and I’m beyond thankful for them. 

  The band recently released a new single titled “Gravedad.” It’s soaked with lovely effects that drenched me with the shoegaze sound I find soothing. The song features contrasting vocals that blend well with the dreamingly melancholic instrumentals. 
